Monthly Archive: June, 2011

Place Card Primer: Truffles!

I feel like I only have to say the word “truffles” and I’m guaranteed to get some traffic on the blog today. “And by truffles, I don’t mean pricey mushrooms!” This is a… Continue reading

Channeling the Seashore at Home

It’s that time of year when we take vacations or go on a holiday and escape to the lakeside, beaches, or seashore for a little relaxation and recreation. I have been noticing lately… Continue reading

Luxurious Sugar Scrub

The scorching summer weather has my skin feeling dry and parched.  So this week, I decided to experiment with some pantry staples to see if I could come up with a sugar scrub… Continue reading

Setting The Mood With Music

Whenever I have guests over, I like to play some soft music in the background to put everyone in a party mood. I have a number of CD’s and MP3’s I like to… Continue reading

Great Kitchen Tools: Mini Spatula/Spoonula Set

One of my favorite kitchen tools is this children’s mini spatula/spoonula set I got at a discount store. The set came with two small spatulas and one small spoonula. These little tools are… Continue reading

Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

Yesterday was my dog’s birthday so we celebrated her today with homemade dog biscuits in one of her favorite flavors: peanut butter.  This recipe is from a family friend named Nancy, and I… Continue reading

Oven-Roasted Pecans

I have been trying to cut processed foods from my diet lately, and one of the areas where it becomes difficult is with snack foods.  One of my favorite snacks is a good,… Continue reading

Pretty Paper Bows to Make a Present “Pop”

The other day, I was wrapping a gift and the end result was a bit, blah.  I was fiddling around with some paper scraps and thought maybe a paper bow would help.  Usually,… Continue reading

Quick Napkin Rings

It’s the day of your big party and you find yourself without napkin rings.  What to do?  Buying napkin rings can be expensive, especially if you want glitzy ones [they can easily cost… Continue reading

Decorating With Glass Bottles

If you are searching for an easy way to add a pop of color to your home – consider collecting or buying a few glass bottles to display.  Decorative bottles are inexpensive [they… Continue reading

Fun Stepping Stones

Last summer, I purchased a stepping stone kit to add a little personality to my yard and garden.  For around $7, I got a box filled with plaster mix, various plastic shapes, glass… Continue reading

A Visit to the Cheese Counter

There is nothing my taste buds enjoy more in the world than a good piece of fromage. In fact, mon mari knows that I consider cheese to be a food group all on… Continue reading

Mad for Monograms!

I must say, I love the look of a monogram. There is something about the beautiful script and the sense of ownership that just says “class.” There was a time when I thought… Continue reading

Atypical and Appetizing … Pie and Cheesecake Crusts

I’m a savory-sweets person.  Perhaps this is why I prefer pies and cheesecakes over any other type of dessert.  I’m all about the CRUST, and I love to experiment! I’m sure we have… Continue reading

Multi-Purpose: Cookie Cutters

One of the things that I love to do is to figure out different uses for everyday objects around my home. I like to re-purpose an item I already own by using it… Continue reading

A Bit of The Big Apple: The Egg Cream

It’s hot in my part of the world. Verrrry hot. The kind of heat that hits you like a ton of bricks when you walk out the door. Hence, mes amies, you may… Continue reading